​Know a Kid that needs Help?

Please Contact Us if you know a kid that needs assistance and wants to join a sports and recreation program. One email or call could change the life of a kid in need.


Meet Our Team

Through Golf, Pool & Beer Pong, Bowling, and other Adult Events, The "Play For The Kids" Foundation raises funds for disadvantaged kids. These funds pay for the registration fees for underprivileged at-risk youth, who would otherwise be unable to afford or participate in athletics & recreation programs.

John Parente

 Keeps KIDS OffStreets

       Protects &Provides KIDS with SafeEnvironment

      Keeps KIDS Off Drugs

   Teaches KIDSRespect & Discipline

    Teaches KIDS Teamwork & Determination

​     Raises KIDSSelf Esteem

Judd Snyder




Randy Snyder




for the kids


for the kids

Sponsor an event and become a Hero For The Kids. It is a win for your business, it is a win for the community, and it is a win for the kids.


for the kids


August 17th- 

Scramble Golf Tournament

 @  Meadow Hills Golf Course- 3609 S Dawson St, Aurora, CO 80014

  ​  I wanted to update you on the 2 boys that you accepted to play basketball through your program. This is the first time they have participated in a sport so they have been super excited to get going. I told them after Thanksgiving the coaches will be calling. The 2nd-grade boy hunted me down Monday wanting to know when the practice was. We got the info for him and the practice happened to be this past Tuesday. He calmed down and patiently waited for Tuesday to arrive. The cousin taking care of the boys called me yesterday and she just broke down crying hysterically. She told me that this practice was the first time she had just seen smiles on those boys' faces in months. She said that the coach let the 5th grader practice with them until his team was up and running but she said she had to leave practice because she could not even hold it together to watch them laughing and have the best time. She was so choked up and so grateful because life has just not been easy or enjoyable for them at all. The coach happened to see the oldest brother (he goes to Rangeview High School) and he asked him if he wanted to be his assistant. So in 1 practice, all 3 boys were over the moon and the cousin was just so thankful! I wanted to pass this along to you because of the difference you make for these kids. Your organization is bringing more joy to this particular family than they have had in months or even years. It will be an exciting season for them and it will be fun to watch them participate in an experience they have never had.

Colby Snyder

A Champion 4 Kids!


ABIG THANK YOU to all of our Supporters and Sponsors. None of this could be possible without you. You're making a big Difference in the Lives of these Kids.

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